I'm trying to create a Svelte 5 component that renders either a button or anchor element based on the presence of a href prop, however I'm running into a TS error.
<script lang="ts"> import type { HTMLButtonAttributes, HTMLAnchorAttributes } from 'svelte/elements'; type Props = HTMLAnchorAttributes | HTMLButtonAttributes; const { href, children, ...restProps }: Props = $props();</script>{#if href}<a {href} {...restProps}> {@render children()}</a>{:else}<button {...restProps}> {@render children()}</button>{/if}
The above produces two errors:
- When destructuring props:
does not exist on Props type. - When spreading
: Argument of type ... is not assignable to parameter of type 'HTMLProps<"a", HTMLAtributes>'
I thought checking for the existence of href
would act as a type guard allowing me to spread the correct props on the correct element.
Any insights appreciated. Thanks in advance.