I have two components that are very far away in the component tree and I have doubts about how to communicate between both. I have the search component, listItems and a store.
<script context="module" lang="ts"> import type {Items} from '../../Models/Items.model'; import { writable } from 'svelte/store'; export const dataItems = writable<Items[]>([]); const filterInfo = (term:string) => { dataItems.update(item => { item.filter(x => { return x.name.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase()) || x.description.toLowerCase().includes(term.toLowerCase()); }) return dataItems; }) }*/export const dispatcher = {filterInfo};</script>
search component
<script lang="ts"> import { dispatcher } from './ViewI/store.svelte'; let value:any; const handleChange = () => { dispatcher.filterInfo(value) console.log(value) }</script><Search><input bind:value on:input={handleChange}></Search>
listItems component
import type {Items} from '../../Models/Items.model';import {dataItems,dispatcher} from './store.svelte';export let items:Items[] =[];export let value:any;$:filterItems = items;$: { filterItems = $dataItems.filter((item:any) => { return item.name || item.description }); dispatcher.filterInfo(value); }</script><main> {#each [...filterItems] as item }<CardItems name={item.name} description={user.description} id={item.id} /> {/each}</main>
The question is how to communicate both components with the value that you write in the input and make the filter.