I'm new to svelte and having some problem to import material web component to svelte project.
First it seems works fine when project first run with imported components (like tabs,buttons... )
<script lang="ts"> import '@material/web/all'; $: tabIndex = 0; function handleChange(event: any) { tabIndex = event.target.activeTabIndex; }</script><div><md-tabs on:change={handleChange}><md-primary-tab active={tabIndex == 0}>A</md-primary-tab><md-primary-tab active={tabIndex == 1}>B</md-primary-tab><md-primary-tab active={tabIndex == 2}>C</md-primary-tab></md-tabs></div>
But those components cannot receive DOM event at on:{eventname} keywords.
Other svelte components (like svelte material ui) works fine.
Is there any misunderstands about svelte? or vanilla js components(material web) just cannot use svelte? if then, is there any solution?