I have created a website using SvelteKit. I am using form action for handling login form.
have login form
<form use:enhance method="post" action="/login?/login"><label>Username:</lable><input type="text" name="username" /><label>Password:</lable><input type="password" name="password" /><Button text="Sign In" type="submit" /><form>
have login action
export const actions = { login: async ({ cookies, request }) => { const data = await request.formData(); let body try{ body = await api.post("account/login/", { username: data.get('username'), password: data.get('password') }); }catch(err) { return { message: "username or password is not vailid", login: false } } if (body.status === 401) { return fail(401, { tryAgain: true }) } if(body.status == 400) { return { message: body.data.message, login: false } } if(body.status == 200) { const value = btoa(JSON.stringify(body)); cookies.set('jwt', value, { secure: false, path: '/', maxAge:60 * 60 * 6 }); redirect(307, '/my-profile') } else { return { message: "username or password is not vailid", login: false } } }, logout: async ({ cookies, locals }) => { cookies.delete('jwt', {path:'/'}); locals.user = null; },};
This login form and action is woring fine. But now I want to send query parameter via form action. So I tried set action to /login?/login?redirect=some-path
<form use:enhance method="post" action="/login?/login?redirect=some-path">
This is giving me error
SvelteKitError: No action with name 'login?redirect' found
What is right way to send query parameter via form action in SvelteKit?