I am currently working with svelte to create a smooth auto slider using SwiperJs. It seems that I am unable to create that animation.When loading the page, the autoPlay dosen't seem to work.Below is the add-ons that got me to this :
<Swiper slidesPerView={2}autoplay={{ delay: 1, disableOnInteraction: false,}}speed={5000}loop={true}pagination={{ clickable: true,}}navigation={true}modules={[Autoplay, Pagination, Navigation]}>
The contents in 3 slides are with different object reffered each time.
<SwiperSlide ><div class="workGridContainer"> {#each workLinks as work}<div class="workCell {work.id}"><img class="workImg" src={work.imageLink} alt={work.id} /><h2 class="gridTitle">{work.title}</h2><p>{work.description}</p><a href={work.source} target="blank">Visit</a></div> {/each}</div><SwiperSlide />
And I am Importing Modules such as
import { Swiper, SwiperSlide }from "swiper/svelte";import { Autoplay, Pagination, Navigation } from "swiper";