I was wondering if you could do a type check on a child component that is injected into a parent component in Svelte?
So for example, if I wanted to do the following, but where the child is only allow to be of the type of the ChildRight component and not of another component like ChildWrong.
I have researched a little and concluded that you can either use <slot>
or <svelte: component>
to inject another component. A solution to either method would be useful.
Using slot
<div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; background-color: red;"><slot></slot></div>
<script> import Parent from "./Parent.svelte" import ChildRight from "./Child-right.svelte" import ChildWrong from "./Child-wrong.svelte"</script><Parent><ChildRight /></Parent>
Using svelte:
<script lang=ts> export let childElement;</script><div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; background-color: red;"><svelte:component this={childElement} /></div>
<script> import Parent from "./Parent.svelte" import ChildRight from "./Child-right.svelte" import ChildWrong from "./Child-wrong.svelte"</script><Parent childElement={ChildRight} />
So just to clarify, the following should give a type error
Using slot
<script> import Parent from "./Parent.svelte" import ChildRight from "./Child-right.svelte" import ChildWrong from "./Child-wrong.svelte"</script><Parent><ChildWrong /></Parent>
Using svelte:component
<script> import Parent from "./Parent.svelte" import ChildRight from "./Child-right.svelte" import ChildWrong from "./Child-wrong.svelte"</script><Parent childElement={ChildWrong} />
I have come by one solution using svelte:component
, where I hardcode the type check. This does not seem like a preferable solution though
<script lang=ts> import ChildRight from "./Child-right.svelte" export let childElement;</script><div style="width: 500px; height: 500px; background-color: red;"> {#if childElement === ChildRight}<svelte:component this={childElement} /> {:else}<p>ERROR IN CHILD TYPE</p> {/if}</div>