I am trying to make Svelte 5 project (I know it is still in alpha, but I want to play a bit with it), and I am using this as a template for now
My App.svelte
<script> import { withPrevSignals } from './withPrev' const color = withPrevSignals('green') let inputVal = $state('') function save() { color.curr = inputVal; inputVal = '' }</script><p>Prev: {color.prev}</p><p>Curr: {color.curr}</p><input bind:value={inputVal} /><button on:click={save}>Save</button><button on:click={color.undo}>Undo</button>
export function withPrevSignals(initialValue) { let curr = $state(initialValue) let prev = $state(undefined) function undo() { curr = prev prev = undefined } return { get curr() { return curr }, set curr(newValue) { prev = curr curr = newValue }, get prev() { return prev }, undo }}
I keep getting an Uncaught ReferenceError: $state is not defined both in the svelte 5 playground and on the local. What am I doing wrong here?