I don't know why I'm getting this error sometimes.
I'm using the load function to fetch the posts on the index page.
<script context="module"> export async function load({ page, fetch }) { const pagination = page.query.get('page') ?? 1; let PER_PAGE = 2; // calculate start page let startPage = +pagination === 1 ? 0 : (+pagination - 1) * PER_PAGE; // fetch total/count const totalUrl = `https://myblog.herokuapp.com/posts/count`; const totalRes = await fetch(totalUrl); // fecth articles const url = `https://sveltestrapiblog.herokuapp.com/posts?_sort=created_at:DESC&_start=${startPage}&_limit=${PER_PAGE}`; const articelRes = await fetch(url); if (articelRes.ok && totalRes.ok) { return { props: { posts: await articelRes.json(), total: await totalRes.json(), pagination: +pagination } }; } return { status: articelRes.status, error: new Error(`Could not load ${url}`) }; }</script>
I don't know what's wrong.