I have a minimal reproducible example here about this issue. The issue is that import ccxt from "ccxt"
gives this error
ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined at node_modules/ccxt/js/static_dependencies/node-rsa/schemes/pkcs1.js (pkcs1.js:10:10) at __require (chunk-RSJERJUL.js?v=d0062138:3:50) at node_modules/ccxt/js/static_dependencies/node-rsa/schemes/schemes.js (schemes.js:2:12) at __require (chunk-RSJERJUL.js?v=d0062138:3:50) at node_modules/ccxt/js/static_dependencies/node-rsa/libs/rsa.js (rsa.js:12:15) at __require (chunk-RSJERJUL.js?v=d0062138:3:50) at node_modules/ccxt/js/static_dependencies/node-rsa/NodeRSA.js (NodeRSA.js:8:11) at __require (chunk-RSJERJUL.js?v=d0062138:3:50) at node_modules/ccxt/js/base/functions/crypto.js (crypto.js:8:17) at __require (chunk-RSJERJUL.js?v=d0062138:3:50)
steps to reproduce:
- use the create a project steps
npm install ccxt
- in the
useimport ccxt from "ccxt"
My expected behavior is that the package imports and I can do like what the docs say to do
var ccxt = require ('ccxt')console.log (ccxt.exchanges) // print all available exchanges
i saw this post say basically "to get require
to work, try adding it as a dev dependency" so i did that:
npm install --save-dev ccxt
require still fails. and anyway I don't want to use require, I want to use "import".
I managed to use Uncaught ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined to make my vite.config.js do this
import path from 'path'import inject from '@rollup/plugin-inject'import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';import { defineConfig } from 'vite';export default defineConfig({ plugins: [sveltekit()], resolve: { alias: {'@': path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'), } }, build: { rollupOptions: { plugins: [inject({ Buffer: ['buffer', 'Buffer'] })], }, },})
and now i can console.log(ccxt.exchanges)
server side, but client side it still errors. but, progress.
edit2: I also tried the ticked answer to ReferenceError: Buffer is not defined in vite/sveltekit with Torus which says
resolve: { alias: {'@toruslabs/openlogin': path.resolve('./node_modules/@toruslabs/openlogin/dist/openlogin.umd.min.js' ) } }
but this fails as well.
I tried the answer by "Goutham J.M" with many upvotes that was long and complex, and got stuck with error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill'
but I don't know how to solve that and it's too much of a rabbit hole.