I installed a library from my work that consists of fonts and css files. It was originaly made for Angular, but i need to use it inside my SvelteKit project.
Despite looking for few hours, i cannot find a consistent and nice way to use the css classes inside my components.
Here the Angular tuto from the documentation:
// angular.json{"projects": {"build": { ..."assets":[ ... { // copy icons and font to the asset folder"glob": "**/*","input": "./node_modules/@ardian/design-token/assets","output": "/assets/" } ],"styles":[ // provide the style.css // If you wish to override css variables, this style must be placed before"node_modules/@ardian/design-token/style.css", ... // This to style are optional, they are here if you want // to use the adn grid system (see Basic / Grid for more details= "node_modules/@ardian/design-token/grid.css","node_modules/@ardian/design-token/container-grid.css", ... ] } }}
Here is the package.json of the library:
{"name": "@company/design-token","version": "0.3.8","./package.json": {"default": "./package.json" },"main": "./company-design-token.umd.js","module": "./company-design-token.es.js","exports": {".": {"import": "./company-design-token.es.js","require": "./company-design-token.umd.js" } }}
Please if someone knows how to do it, I would be very thankful.
Thanks for your time,Arthur.