I'm attempting to setup stripe connect payments on svelte-kit, however stripe keeps returning an error:
The client_secret provided does not match any associated PaymentIntent on this account. Ensure the publishable key used belongs to the same account that created the PaymentIntent.
I've triple-checked that the client secret was created with the matching secret key to my public key, I've also attempted to try a sandbox account instead of a test environment and still get the same error.
This is the sever code for generating a client_secret:
import { SECRET_STRIPE_KEY } from '$env/static/private';const stripe = new Stripe(SECRET_STRIPE_KEY, { apiVersion: "2024-11-20.acacia" as "2024-10-28.acacia", // This is a type assertion});export async function GET() { const ticket_price = 45; const application_fee = 1; const paymentIntent = await stripe.paymentIntents.create({ amount: ticket_price, currency: 'gbp', application_fee_amount: application_fee, automatic_payment_methods: { enabled: true } }, { stripeAccount: 'acct_1QWcgoDArWfcz7re', }); return json({ clientSecret: paymentIntent.client_secret }, { status: 200 });}
This is the part of the client side that uses svelte-stipe and stripe-js to create a payment form:
<script lang="ts"> import { onMount } from 'svelte'; import { loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js' import type { Stripe, StripeElements } from '@stripe/stripe-js' import { Elements, PaymentElement, LinkAuthenticationElement, Address } from 'svelte-stripe' import { PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY } from '$env/static/public'; let stripe: null | Stripe = null let clientSecret : null | string = null let elements: StripeElements | null | undefined let processing = false onMount(async () => { stripe = await loadStripe(PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY, { apiVersion: "2024-11-20.acacia" as "2024-10-28.acacia" }) clientSecret = await createPaymentIntent() }) async function createPaymentIntent() { const response = await fetch('/api/stripe/payment', { method: 'GET', headers: {'content-type': 'application/json' } }) const { clientSecret } = await response.json() return clientSecret } async function submit() { // ... }</script>{#if clientSecret !== null}<Elements {stripe} {clientSecret} theme="flat" labels="floating" bind:elements><form on:submit|preventDefault={submit}><LinkAuthenticationElement /><PaymentElement /><Address mode="billing" /><button disabled={processing}> {#if processing} Processing... {:else} Pay {/if}</button></form></Elements>{:else} Loading...{/if}
At first, I thought it might be an issue with stripe-svelte, however while looking at the network request all the parameters are correct. I triple-checked the key and also the client_secret, so is it just a Stripe issue?
Here is the error response from stripe:
{"error": {"message": "The client_secret provided does not match any associated PaymentIntent on this account. Ensure the publishable key used belongs to the same account that created the PaymentIntent.","param": "client_secret","request_log_url": "https://dashboard.stripe.com/test/logs/req_Gf29tN9FjPAYJe?t=1734350353","type": "invalid_request_error" }}
Checking the Stripe logs, you can see the failed request, but not the request to create the client secret.
I removed the "stripeAccount" from the paymentIntent creation and it now doesn't show the error however it now doesn't work as a connected payment so I'm assuming i have to use the secret and public of the connected stripe account?