I am using adapter-node and a mysql pool in a sveltekit web app.
Previously, using just nodejs and express and no sveltekit, I found I needed to shutdown the mysql pool connections cleanly or mysql could hang when restarting the app.
I had something like:
process.on('SIGINT', () => server.close(() => pool.end()));
How would I achieve the same result in a sveltekit app? Or is it not necessary (and why)?
I can see in the sveltekit implementation where it creates the server, but does not seem to have any way to access it so I can call close(). I don't think it would be safe to call pool.end() before the server closes.
I also couldn't find any discussion of graceful shutdown in the sveltekit docs. There was 1 github issue but it was closed over a year ago and that change has since been removed from the code.
I found a similar issue asked in the svelte github. It has no resolution, so there is likely no official solution yet. https://github.com/sveltejs/kit/issues/6841