I would like to define my custom component and specify which kind of "standard component" I would to extend.
This to consume VSCode intellisense for all standard attributes of the extended component without re-define all attributes.
This is what I would to do:
<script lang="ts"> // Error: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '$$props' export let $$props: svelte.JSX.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>; // OR // Error: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable '$$restProps' export let $$restProps: svelte.JSX.HTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>; export let myCustomProp: string;</script><button {...$$restProps}>{myCustomProp}<slot /></button>
To explain better what I would like to do, I post the same case in React with Typescript:
import React from 'react';type Props = { myCustomProp: string;} & React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>;export default function ({ myCustomProp, ...rest }: Props) { return (<button {...rest}> {myCustomProp} {rest.children}</button> );}