I'm facing an issue with svelte prerender function : "...Cannot read clientAddress during prerendering"
I'm using SvelteKit v1.0.0-next.330 for my frontend, and I use strapi v4 for the back.My frontend is deployed on netlify and my back on heroku.
During the build process I have the following issue.
.svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/hooks-ac5d4bf3.js 1.94 KiBError: Cannot read clientAddress during prerendering at Object.getClientAddress (file:///Users/.../node_modules/@sveltejs/kit/dist/chunks/index2.js:1294:8) at Object.get clientAddress [as clientAddress] (file:///Users/.../.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js:2110:22) at __spreadValues (file:///.../.svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/hooks-ac5d4bf3.js:11:33) at Object.handle (file:///.../.svelte-kit/output/server/chunks/hooks-ac5d4bf3.js:43:29) at respond (file:///.../.svelte-kit/output/server/index.js:2146:42)> 500 /dashboard
In the load function of my /dashboard, I'm calling a fetch function with a relative path a .json.js endpoint. I think the issue is due to my fetch function.
try { let res = await fetch('/dashboard/chart.json');...}
If in my svelte.config I set prerender to false, the build is ok.
const config = { kit: { adapter: adapter(), vite: { plugins: [isoImport()] }, prerender: { concurrency: 1, crawl: true, default: false, enabled: false } }};
I tried changing the path to the file, to absolute path, but it's not working either.
I don't understand what's wrong, if you have any idea.
Thanks for your help
Here is the load function within index@dashboard.svelte file
<script context="module"> export const load = async ({ fetch }) => { try { let res = await fetch('/dashboard/chart.json'); if (res.ok) { // console.log(await res.json()); const { generateDatas, apexTableSummary, evolutions, apexQsTable, apexDonut, apexColBar, apexColBar2, apexColBar3, tableDatas } = await res.json(); // console.log(generateDatas); return { props: { datas: { ...generateDatas }, prtRate: { ...apexTableSummary }, sumData: { ...evolutions }, qs: { ...apexQsTable }, donut: { ...apexDonut }, colBar: { ...apexColBar }, colBar2: { ...apexColBar2 }, colBar3: { ...apexColBar3 }, tableDatas: { ...tableDatas } } }; } else { return { props: { datas: {}, tables: {} } }; } } catch (error) { return { props: { datas: {}, tables: {} } }; } };</script>
Here the endpoint
// récupère les données des chartsimport { generateDatas, generateTablesDatas } from '$lib/dummy/chartDatas';import { summaryLineDatas, summaryTableDatas, summaryDonutDatas, summaryColDatas, QSbyKeyword} from '$lib/dummy/chartApex';export const get = async () => { return { status: 200, body: { // lineChart, generateDatas: generateDatas(), evolutions: summaryLineDatas(20), apexTableSummary: summaryTableDatas( 1, 3, ['Campagne','Impressions','Impressions perdues (classement)','Impressions perdues (budget)' ], null, ['#ff5d5d60', '#6c6ff560'] ), apexQsTable: summaryTableDatas( 9, 3, ['', 'Coûts', 'Impressions', 'Clics'], null, ['#ff5d5d60', '#6c6ff560'], ['QS1', 'QS2', 'QS3', 'QS4', 'QS5', 'QS6', 'QS7', 'QS8', 'QS9', 'QS10'] ), apexDonut: summaryDonutDatas(9, ['QS1','QS2','QS3','QS4','QS5','QS6','QS7','QS8','QS9','QS10' ]), apexColBar: summaryColDatas( ['Inférieur', 'dans la moyenne', 'Supérieure à la moyenne'], ['CTR', 'Pertinence annonce', 'Convivialité'] ), apexColBar2: summaryColDatas( ['Inférieur', 'dans la moyenne', 'Supérieure à la moyenne'], ['CTR', 'Pertinence annonce', 'Convivialité'] ), apexColBar3: summaryColDatas( ['Inférieur', 'dans la moyenne', 'Supérieure à la moyenne'], ['CTR', 'Pertinence annonce', 'Convivialité'] ), tableDatas: QSbyKeyword({ nbrRow: 10, labels: ['','Mot clé',"Campagne","Groupe d'annonce",'Url de destination','CPC moyen','Clics','Impressions','CTR','Coûts','Conversions','CPA (coût/conversions)','Note QS','CTR attendu',"Pertinence de l'annonce",'Convivialité de la page de destination' ] }) } };};
Upadte 2
I've search few days and finally, I found something.What I did, is to set my https cookies logic within my register/login svelte file. When I've change it to do it within the hooks.js handle function, it solved about everything. Not sure if it is the right answer, but now I can build my project without any issue.