I blew away my package-lock and upgraded everything to the latest now when I try to build I get...
[plugin:vite:css] [postcss] It looks like you're trying to use `tailwindcss` directly as a PostCSS plugin. The PostCSS plugin has moved to a separate package, so to continue using Tailwind CSS with PostCSS you'll need to install `@tailwindcss/postcss` and update your PostCSS configuration. at Te (C:\Users\jacki\Code\love-monkey\ui\node_modules\tailwindcss\dist\lib.js:33:1751) at LazyResult.runOnRoot (C:\Users\jacki\Code\love-monkey\ui\node_modules\postcss\lib\lazy-result.js:329:16) at LazyResult.runAsync (C:\Users\jacki\Code\love-monkey\ui\node_modules\postcss\lib\lazy-result.js:258:26) at LazyResult.async (C:\Users\jacki\Code\love-monkey\ui\node_modules\postcss\lib\lazy-result.js:160:30) at LazyResult.then (C:\Users\jacki\Code\love-monkey\ui\node_modules\postcss\lib\lazy-result.js:404:17
I tried a couple things... First I tried doing as it said and changed my
But neither tailwind or the changes I had added to my tailwind.config.js
were showing up. I went and took a look at the docs and now they removed postcss...
When I tried this I got some basic functionality (like float stuff) working but none of the theme stuff in my tailwind.config.js
file showed up.
import { join } from 'path';import { skeleton } from '@skeletonlabs/tw-plugin';/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */export default { darkMode: 'class', content: ['./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte}', join(require.resolve('@skeletonlabs/skeleton'), '../**/*.{html,js,svelte}') ], theme: { extend: { backgroundImage: {'synthwave': 'linear-gradient(to bottom, #2b1055 0%, #7597de 50%, #ff2975 100%)', }, colors: { // Main palette primary: { 50: '#fce4ff', .... },... } } }, plugins: [ skeleton({ themes: { custom: [ { name: 'retro-vibes', properties: { // Backgrounds'--theme-font-family-base': '"VT323", monospace','--theme-bg-1': '#120318','--theme-bg-2': '#1a0524','--theme-bg-3': '#220630', ... } } ] } }) ]};
So what am I missing? How do I get the gradients, etc to show up again after upgrade?