I have three files:
<script> import Component from "./Component.svelte" import { items } from "./store.js" $items.set("a", { name: "John", index: "a" }) $items.set("b", { name: "Jack", index: "b" })</script><h1>DIV each:</h1>{#if $items && $items.size > 0} {#each $items.values() as item}<div>Name: {item.name}</div> {/each}{/if}<h1>Component each:</h1>{#if $items && $items.size > 0} {#each $items.values() as item}<div><Component index={item.index} /></div> {/each}{/if}
<script> import { items } from "./store.js" let { index = null } = $props() let data = $state($items.get(index))</script><div><input bind:value={data.name} /></div>
import { writable } from "svelte/store";import { SvelteMap } from "svelte/reactivity";export let items = writable(new SvelteMap([]))
I wonder how to remain reactivity in SvelteMap items
. When input value is changed, it should update in SvelteMap (as it is binded). I don't know how to work with this kind of reactivity.