When using reactive variables by declaring them using the $:
syntax, you get the following error.
Cannot access 'variable_name' before initialization
Here is the code:
<script> import { ledzep, redhotchilis } from './data.js' $: bandmembers = [...ledzep, ...redhotchilis] let namesWithA = bandmembers.filter(d => { if (d.indexOf('a') > 0) { return true; } else { return false } })</script><h2>Band Members</h2><ul>{#each bandmembers as member}<li>{member}</li>{/each}</ul><h2>Members with "A" in their names</h2><ul>{#each namesWithA as member}<li>{member}</li>{/each}</ul>
export const ledzep = ["Jimmy Page", "John Bonham", "Robert Plant", "John Paul Jones"]export const redhotchilis = ["Anthony Kiedis", "Flea", "Chad Smith", "Josh Klinghoffer"]