Im trying to make a login in Svelte 5. I have the request then i redirect to another page, /dashboard.
The problem is: I wanted to show my user data from the login on my navbar above, which is in +layout.svelte.
My last approach was to pass a variable from layout.ts (loggedUser) that in blank initially, and then access it in routes/login/+page.svelte through $bindable, but occurs that the console says the data.loggedUser.username is unreactive (when i put it in a ).And it actually is, debugging with $inspect() the "data" received doesnt change.
<script lang="ts"> import { goto } from "$app/navigation"; import { jwtDecode } from "jwt-decode"; import "../app.css"; import type { Snippet } from "svelte"; let { data, children }: any = $props(); function logout() { localStorage.setItem("token", " "); goto("/") } //export const ssr = false;</script><nav><a href="/">home</a><span>logado como {data}</span><button onclick={()=>{logout()}}>logout</button></nav>{@render children()}
+layout.ts: (consider colaboradorLogado is loggedUser)
import type { PageLoad } from "./dashboard/$types";import type { Colaborador } from "../interfaces/colaborador";import type { LayoutLoad } from "./$types";export const ssr = false;export const load: LayoutLoad = async () =>{ return { colaboradorLogado: {} }}
<script lang="ts"> import { deserialize } from '$app/forms'; import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; import { jwtDecode } from "jwt-decode"; import type { Colaborador } from '../../interfaces/colaborador'; import type { JWTToken } from '../../interfaces/jwttoken'; let {data = $bindable()}: any = $props(); $inspect(data); let formUsername = $state(''); let formPassword = $state(''); async function handleSubmit(event: SubmitEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLFormElement}) { event.preventDefault(); const formData = new FormData(event.currentTarget); var init = {'method':'POST','body':formData } const response = await fetch('http://localhost:8000/auth/login/', init) const result: any = deserialize(await response.text()); let token = result.access; localStorage.setItem("token", token); let tokenDecoded: JWTToken = jwtDecode(token); const colaborador: Colaborador = tokenDecoded.colaborador; data.colaboradorLogado = tokenDecoded.colaborador; goto("/dashboard"); }</script><h1>Entrar</h1><form onsubmit={handleSubmit}><input type="text" bind:value="{formUsername}" name="username" placeholder="Nome de usuário"><br><input type="password" bind:value="{formPassword}" name="password" id="" placeholder="Senha"><br><button type="submit">Entrar</button></form><input bind:value={data.colaboradorLogado} type="text" placeholder="colaboradorLogado">
i did read the documentation about $props, layout and so, but didn't find a solution. Maybe it was on my face, maybe there is a simpler way to do what i am trying to.