I created some buttons within a grid (which I wanted to determine the size dynamically), and now I'm trying to open dialogs/modals, but I don't know why It does not work. I have my REPL link to use, but I will also be sharing my files here.
<script> import SwContainer from './swContainer.svelte'; import SwButtonIten from './swButtonIten.svelte'; import SwDialogIten from './swDialogIten.svelte'; let componentPositions = [ { component: SwButtonIten, props: { cstmLabel: 'Open Dialog 1', handleClick: openDialog1 }, rowPos: 0, colPos: 0 }, { component: SwButtonIten, props: { cstmLabel: 'Open Dialog 2' }, rowPos: 0, colPos: 1 } ]; let dialog1IsOpen = false; let dialog2IsOpen = false; function openDialog1() { dialog1IsOpen = true; } function openDialog2() { dialog2IsOpen = true; }</script><svelte:head><title>About</title><meta name="description" content="About this app" /><link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.3.0/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" /></svelte:head><SwContainer numRow={2} numCol={2} {componentPositions}></SwContainer><SwDialogIten bind:isOpen={dialog1IsOpen} title="Dialog_1" message="etc, etc, etc" /><SwDialogIten bind:isOpen={dialog2IsOpen} title="Diálog_2" message="etc, etc, etc" />
Another question I have is, what is the best way to invoke a component within another component through the parent class? In my case, I am passing the components that I want to be created through an array. But I don't know if this is the best approach for this!
<script> import { Col, Container, Row } from 'sveltestrap'; import SwButtonIten from './swButtonIten.svelte'; export let uniqueID = 0; export let numRow = 0; export let numCol = 0; export let componentPositions;</script><Container> {#each Array(numRow) as _, rowIndex}<Row> {#each Array(numCol) as _, colIndex}<Col> {#each componentPositions.filter(pos => pos.rowPos === rowIndex && pos.colPos === colIndex) as item}<svelte:component this={item.component} {...item.props} /> {/each}</Col> {/each}</Row> {/each}</Container>
<script> import { Button } from 'sveltestrap'; export let uniqueID = ''; export let cstmLabel = ''; export let rowPos = 0; export let colPos = 0; export let handleClick; function onClick() { handleClick(); }</script><Button on:click={onClick}>{cstmLabel}</Button>
<script> import { Button, Modal, ModalBody, ModalFooter, ModalHeader } from 'sveltestrap'; export let isOpen = false; export let title = ''; export let message = '';</script><Modal bind:isOpen><ModalHeader>{title}</ModalHeader><ModalBody>{message}</ModalBody><ModalFooter><Button color="secondary" on:click={() => isOpen = false}>Close</Button></ModalFooter></Modal><style> /* styles */</style>
It turns out that if I run the code this way, when I click the button, the screen just goes dark and I can't do anything else! I have to close the page and open it again