Simply I don't get it. I store fetch result in writable store and retrieve those data, but I got undefined error when I want to use nested json data (school) see below. Why?
<p>item: {$data.item}</p> <--- OK!<p>address: {$data.address}</p> <--- OK!<p>school: {$}</p> <--- PROBLEM: Undefined. Why? simple nested json...Json structure:{"item": "whatever","address": "address","city": {"school": "school"}}
export default function fetchData() { const loading = writable(false) const error = writable(false) const data = writable({}) let clear; async function getData() { loading.set(true) error.set(false) try { const response = await fetch('http://endpoint') data.set(await response.json()) } catch(e) { error.set(e) } loading.set(false) } clearInterval(clear) clear = setInterval(getData, 5000) return [ data, loading, error, getData]}
In svelte file:
<script> import snapshotStore from '../stores/dataStore'; const [data, loading, error, getData] = dataStore();</script><p>item: {$data.item}</p> <p>address: {$data.address}</p> <p>school: {$}</p> <--- Problem, undefined.