I've got the following component called NumericField
<script> import {isNumber} from "../../helpers/index.js"; import {onMount} from "svelte"; export let name; export let id; export let value; export let readOnly=false; export let disabled=false; // use disabled so we don't submit the value. export let styleClass="input w-full py-4 font-medium bg-gray-100 border-gray-200 text-sm\n" +" focus:outline-none focus:border-gray-400 focus:bg-white"; onMount(() => { // if a value is provided for the field then format it and place it in it. if (value !== null && value !== undefined) { value = formatNumber(value); return; } // if a value was not provided or is not a valid numeric field then set the field value to empty. value=""; }); const formatNumber = e => { // on keyup validate if the value is "", if so return. This is to avoid placing a NaN on the field. if (e.target?.value == "") { return } if (parseInt(String(e).replace(/,/g,'')) === NaN) { e.target.value = ""; return } // if e is not an event (event is of type object) but a number (this will apply for on edit mode or read only fields). if (typeof e !== 'object'&& (isNumber(e) || isNumber(parseInt(e)))) { console.log("not an event. value = ", e) // remove all commas (,) from the number and return it. return parseInt(String(e).replace(/,/g,'')).toLocaleString("en-US"); } // reformat the given number by adding commas to it but since this is recalculated on the fly first we // have to remove any existing commas. e.target.value = parseInt(e.target.value.replace(/,/g,'')).toLocaleString("en-US"); }</script><input id={id} on:keyup={formatNumber} name={name} readonly={readOnly} disabled={disabled} type="text" bind:value class={styleClass} />
And I've got a form in which I'm using the component:
<NumericField on:change={updateTotal} bind:purchasedPrice id="purchasedPrice" name="purchased_price" />
I'm calling updateTotal
to calculate the total based on the value inputed in the component, but my function is never called:
const updateTotal = () => { console.log("here in updateTotal")}
what am I doing wrong?