novice here, trying to experiment with showing my blog and have managed to get an RSS feed in VS code terminal on a page.server.js however can't figure out how to use it.
Here's the code: In data.js
import fetch from 'node-fetch';import { parseStringPromise } from 'xml2js';export async function fetchRSSFeed(url) { const response = await fetch(url); const rssText = await response.text(); const parsedResult = await parseStringPromise(rssText); const items =[0].item; return => ({ title: item.title[0], link:[0] }));}
In +page.server.js
import { fetchRSSFeed } from './data.js';export async function load() { const rssFeedUrl = 'myBlog'; const articles = await fetchRSSFeed(rssFeedUrl); console.log(articles); return { props: { articles } };}
and here's the +page.svelte
<script> export let articles = []; console.log("Why are there no articles???", articles);</script><div id="container"><div class="about"><p>thoughts available on substack</p></div><section><h2>recent posts</h2><hr /><div class="posts"> {#each articles as { title, link }}<a href={link} target="_blank"><div class="post"><h3>{title}</h3></div></a> {/each}</div></section></div>
Thanks in advance, big love x
I'd like to make an RSS feed in Svelte, I've tried adding the data.js as an extra route