I've followed the issues in github, and it seems to be a HUGE open-ended question in terms of 1st party support. Has anybody implemented any type of logic to enable transitions on initial page load? Any CodePen examples or whatnot? It's really ugly seeing things pop in the first time.
some sample code:
<div class="grid lg:grid-cols-2 justify-between items-center py-[6rem] max-w-[1200px] m-auto"><img in:fly={{x: 50, delay: 250, duration: 500}} class="p-5 m-auto hover:scale-[105%] transition-scale duration-150" src="/images/home-responsive-devices.jpeg" alt="Homepage on different devices"/><div in:fade={{delay: 500, duration: 500}} class="flex flex-col w-full"><p class="leading-8 px-10 py-6 text-justify"><span class="font-semibold">AdPrompt</span> believes content creators should make more revenue for their work. That is why we are committed to building tools that help people turn passions into professions. Our proprietary A.I. and advertising technologies remove the inefficiencies from today’s digital advertising landscape, passing that value on to real people doing what they love.</p><a class="m-auto" href="/contact"><button class="self-center mt-10 btn btn-primary btn-outline">Learn More</button></a></div></div>