I am using Sveltekit 4, with Supabase SSR for authentication. I can successfully access user session data from any route pages, but not from any components.
Here is my src/routes/+layout.server.ts
import type { LayoutServerLoad } from './$types';export const load: LayoutServerLoad = async ({ locals: { getSession } }) => { const session = await getSession(); return { session };};
and my src/routes/+page.svelte
can successfully access a logged in user's details:
<script lang="ts"> export let data;</script>{#if data.user}<h2>Welcome {data.user.email}</h2>{/if}
how can I also access this logged in user detail in src/lib/components/Navigation.svelte
where I would want the following to work:
<script lang="ts"> export let data: any;</script><h2>Not logged on</h2>{#if data.user}<h2>{data.user.email}</h2>{/if}
My understanding is that data in layout.server.ts
would be available in all routes and components, how do I make it available in my component?