I'm trying Svelte 5 for the first time today.
This is a reproduction of this issue.
As you can see if I select a date from the picker the {value}
is not assigned and the same if I press the "Clear" button.
Relevant code
<script lang="ts"> type Props = { value?: Date | null; id?: string; onchange?: (e: Date | undefined) => void; }; let { value = $bindable(), id, onchange, }: Props = $props(); $effect(() => { console.log('value in $effect:', value); }); $inspect(value); const format = (date: typeof value): string => { if (!date) return ''; if (date instanceof Date && isNaN(date.getTime())) return ''; return new Date(date.getTime() - date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000).toISOString().slice(0, -8); }; function handleOnChange(e: Event) { const dateValue = new Date((e.target as HTMLInputElement).value); console.log('handleOnChange:', dateValue); value = dateValue; if (onchange) onchange(dateValue); } function handleClear() { console.log('handleClear :'); value = undefined; if (onchange) onchange(value); (document.getElementById(id) as HTMLInputElement).value = ''; }</script><div> {value}<button type="button" onclick={handleClear}>Clear</button><input type="datetime-local" {id} value={format(value)} onchange={handleOnChange} /></div>