I have used svelte to build a website.
<script lang="ts"> import { MetaTags } from 'svelte-meta-tags'; import Viewport from 'svelte-viewport-info' import vi from './assets/videofile.mp4' import posterimg from './assets/PosterImage.png'</script><main><video autoplay muted loop Playsinline src={vi} poster={posterimg}></video></main><style>video { width: 100%; -moz-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; pointer-events: none;}</style>
After building and deploying the website online
The background video doesn't start playing automatically
Found this answer here
Safari doesn't allow autoplay of video on these 2 scenarios 1. when "muted" config not set 2. when iphone is in battery saving mode or in low battery
Some others suggested to include muted
which is already done, but still face the same issue
One has suggested here to converting .mp4
video link to BLOB
in javascript like this
<video id="ForcePlay" width="500px" height="500px" muted playsinline controls> <source src="url path to your video file" type="video/mp4"></video><script type="text/javascript"> function makeURL(object) { return (window.URL) ? window.URL.createObjectURL(object) : window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(object); } async function display(videoStream){ var myvideo = document.getElementById('ForcePlay'); let blob = await fetch(videoStream).then(r => r.blob()); var videoUrl= makeURL(blob); myvideo.src = videoUrl; } display('url path to your video file');</script>
Already have muted
still same issue
Here's the video link you can test on safari on your iPhone
How can a convert a file into blob in svelte
similar what the user suggested as a solution?
Is there any other way to solve the issue?