i'm trying to display a value of 1 in the placeholder of my input when i select a currency, but instead of 1 i see the exchange rate of the selected currency with USD, for example if i select EUR instead of 1 i see 0.93 (1 USD = 0.93 EUR). Any suggestion how to fix it? The issue is only in the placeholder of the currency that i've choose, in the second input box i see the correct exchange rate between the selected currency and the other currency.
let selectedCurrency1 = "USD"; let selectedCurrency2 = "EUR"; let exchangeRate: number; function handleSelectChange(event: any, currency: any) { if (currency === 1) { selectedCurrency1 = event.target.value; if (input1) { input1.placeholder = "1"; } } else if (currency === 2) { selectedCurrency2 = event.target.value; if (input2) { input2.placeholder = "1"; } } updateExchangeRate(); } function updateExchangeRate() { const rate1 = exchangeRates[selectedCurrency1]; const rate2 = exchangeRates[selectedCurrency2]; const exchangeRate = rate2 / rate1; const input1 = document.getElementById("rate1") as HTMLInputElement; const input2 = document.getElementById("rate2") as HTMLInputElement; if (input1 && input2 && exchangeRate) { input1.placeholder = `${(1 / exchangeRate).toFixed(3)}`; input2.placeholder = `${(1 * exchangeRate).toFixed(3)}`; } }
and this is the block with the input
{#each Object.entries(exchangeRates) as [key, value], index} {#if index === 0}<div class="input-box"><input type="number" min="0" id="rate1" placeholder={exchangeRates[selectedCurrency1]}/><select id="option1" on:change={(event) => handleSelectChange(event, 1)}> {#each Object.entries(exchangeRates) as [key, value]} {#if key === selectedCurrency1}<option value={key} selected>{key}</option> {:else}<option value={key}>{key}</option> {/if} {/each}</select></div> {/if}{/each}