The svelte documentation says you can return a response to a post call in a +svelte.js file with
export async function POST({ request }) { const { a, b } = await request.json(); return json(a + b);}
But it doesn't say how I can stream back a response. In my post call, I make a request to the OpenAI API and get back a streaming response.
export async function POST ({ request }) { const completion = await{ messages: [{ role: "system", content: prompt }], model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", stream: true, }); for await (const chunk of completion) { console.log(chunk.choices[0].delta.content); }
I receive the Open AI response piece by piece, and need to stream each "chunk.choices[0].delta.content" back to the page that made the fetch request.
Initially I wrote an express app in an index.js file that could communicate with the frontend page and stream a response back. With express I could just call res.write(data). However, express does not seem to work with deployment on cloudflare, so I have been trying to find an equivalent method using Svelte that will work with cloudflare.