I am trying to take components and its types, put it to single variable and then use it on page.
import { Container_01 } from './components/containers';import { Footer_01 } from './components/footers';import type { Container01 } from '$types/containers/Container_01';import type { Footer01 } from '$types/footers/Footer_01';type UIKitType = { containers: { Container_01: Container01, }; footers: { Footer_01: Footer01 }}const UIKit = { containers: { Container_01: Container_01 }, footers: { Footer_01: Footer_01 }}type ComponentTypes = { [K in keyof UIKitType]: { [L in keyof UIKitType[K]]:{ type: K, component: L, props: UIKitType[K][L] } }[keyof UIKitType[K]]}[keyof UIKitType]
Then when i use it in svelte page:
{@const type = "containers"}{@const component = "Container_01"}<svelte:component this={UIKit[pepaType][pepaComp]} props={data.props}></svelte:component>
I got typescript error: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type
I have no idea, how to solve it. Only thing i now its working without ts error is to use [key: string]: UIComponent;