I've got stuck on a problem with SvelteKit, CSS and the event-calendar module.I just open a new skeleton SvelteKit-project to test some of the calendar-modules.
Everything good at this point. But somehow I'm not able to use the installed css-files from the modules.This is my +page.svelte:
<script> import '@event-calendar/core/index.css'; import Calendar from '@event-calendar/core'; import TimeGrid from '@event-calendar/day-grid'; let plugins = [TimeGrid]; let options = { view: 'dayGridMonth', events: [] };</script><div class="ec-dark"><Calendar {plugins}{options} /></div>
It doesn't matter how I tried to import the css-file or declare the ec-dark-class. My browser is not able to use the stylesheet and I don't now why.
I tried different paths, imported it in a +layout.svelte, make a with the import, set a :global in the original css-file, tried to import it in the app.html-file in the head-section (like announced in the git-repo to event-calendar)... In the web inspector I can see that the div-class is still there but there are no styles applied on it.