I'm trying to implement a task for the Amazon Turk platform.In the task I need the participants to have a video which they should mark in several points, then when they press "submit" the video should change to the next one; in total we should have N
videos, for example 10.
I thought of having a loop which will present a video from our source bassed on a logical indication array like showTask = [true, false, false, ...]
when after the task is completed the true
value will propagate to the next index (i.e., showTask = [false, true, false, ...]
), untill the index is 9
I have the updated code in this repo.
The relevant part I'm currently struggling with is:
<script lang="ts"> import Captcha from "./components/Captcha.svelte"; import ExampleGuidelines from "./components/ExampleGuidelines.svelte" import TrainingGuidelines from "./components/TrainingGuidelines.svelte" import TaskGuidelines from "./components/TaskGuidelines.svelte" import Consent from "./components/Consent.svelte"; import Example from "./components/Example.svelte"; import Training from "./components/Training.svelte"; import Task from "./components/Task.svelte"; let notRobot = false; let consentChecked = false; let showExample = true; let showTraining = true; let showTasks = false; const numberOfTasks = 10; let showNextTask = true; const imageDir = `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lieldvd/mturk/main/15545`; let tasks = Array(numberOfTasks).fill({show: false}); tasks[0].show = true; function nextTask(currentIndex: number){ tasks[currentIndex].show = false; if (currentIndex < numberOfTasks - 1){ tasks[currentIndex+1].show = true; } } function startTraining(){ showTraining = true showExample = false } function startTasks(){ showTasks = true; showTraining = false; }</script><main> {#if !consentChecked}<Consent on:agreed={() => (consentChecked = true)} /> {:else if !notRobot}<Captcha on:notRobot={() => (notRobot = true)} /> {:else} {#if showExample}<ExampleGuidelines /><Example on:startTraining={() => startTraining()}/> {:else if showTraining}<TrainingGuidelines /><Training on:startTasks={() => startTasks()}/> {:else if showTasks}<TaskGuidelines /> {#each tasks as task, taskIdx} {#if task.show}<h2>Task #{taskIdx}</h2><Task on:taskComplete={() => nextTask(taskIdx)}/> {/if} {/each} {/if} {/if}</main>
specifically this function should change the presented item on screan:
function nextTask(currentIndex: number){ tasks[currentIndex].show = false; if (currentIndex < numberOfTasks - 1){ tasks[currentIndex+1].show = true; }}
which should be rendered in this loop:
{#each tasks as task, taskIdx} {#if task.show}<h2>Task #{taskIdx}</h2><Task on:taskComplete={() => nextTask(taskIdx)}/> {/if}{/each}
and is should be done on the click of the button in Task
<script lang="ts"> import {createEventDispatcher} from "svelte"; const dispatchEvent = createEventDispatcher();</script><button on:click={()=>dispatchEvent("taskComplete")}>Next</button>
For now it doesn't work, and all the tasks are presented on one page as shown in the following image: