I'm new to svetle, as a part of a project I need to calculate relative coordinated of a mouse click inside an image shown on screen.
As the size of the screen is not constant, I need to calculate relative coordinates, as opposed to the absolute, i.e., the onse from the top left corner, but the onse from the top left corner of the <div>
I place the image in.
My intuition is that I need to get the top-left corner C(x, y)
of the component, and calculate the point
p(x, y) = (x - X, y - Y)
, where X = C(x)
and Y = C(y)
For this matter I saw that I can bind a property called contentRect
, but I can't find proper example as how to use it.
For now I only managed to get the height and width of the component, but not the top left corner
I saw this qwestion, but is it possible to use bind:property
inside the <img/>
to update the shape of the image and get its' top left corner, as the code in the question mentioned seems too complecated.My code is below:
<script> let width: number = 0; let height: number = 0; let C_x = 0; let C_y = 0; let mousePosition = {x: 0, y: 0}; function handleMousemove(event: any){ mousePosition.x = event.clientX - C_x; mousePosition.y = event.clientY - C_y; }</script><main> {#each [images[currentSlideItem]] as image, index}<div bind:clientWidth={width} bind:clientHeight={height}> {width}, {height}<img transition:slide="{{delay:200}}" src={image} alt='Blank' width="1080" on:click|preventDefault={(e)=>handleMousemove(e)} /></div> {/each}<div>The mouse position is ({mousePosition.x}, {mousePosition.y})</div><div class="carousel-buttons"><button id="play" on:click={() => play()}>⏯</button><button id="pause" on:click={() => pause()}>⏸</button><button id="prev" on:click={() => prevImage()}>⏪</button><button id="next" on:click={() => nextImage()}>⏩</button></div></main>
Thanks in advance,Michael