I'm new to svelte and was trying to fetch localStorage data on +page.ts
with params.slug
value but when manually from address bar visited, the page doesn't fetch those data and results in 404.
My data in localStorage is stored as following in array
export interface notejson { id: string, title: string, note: string, dateCreated: string, dateModified: string,}
and on +page.ts
.../** @type {import('./$types').PageLoad} */export async function load({ params }) { // console.log(params.slug) let note = get(notedata).find((e)=>e.id === params.slug); if (note != undefined) { return { result: note } } error(404, 'Not found');}
and store.ts
import { persisted } from 'svelte-persisted-store';export const notedata = persisted("__notedata",<notejson[]>[]);
and project structure
... | src ... | routes | note / [slug]+page.svelte+page.ts...
Expecting to get the data on reload and when manually visited