I have a very basic Svelte app where I am displaying some super simple HTML, just starting.In my dev tools console, though I see the following warning:
<App> was created with unknown prop 'name'
Why? This is my code in app.svelte
<script> import Modal from "./modal.svelte" import Product from "./product.svelte" const products = [ { id: "1", productTitle: "Product Title 1", productPrice: 111.11, }, { id: "2", productTitle: "Product Title 2", productPrice: 222.22, }, ] let showModal = false const addToCart = e => { console.log(e.detail) } const deleteFromCart = e => { console.log(e.detail) }</script>{#each products as product (product.id)}<Product {...product} on:add-to-cart={addToCart} on:delete={deleteFromCart} />{/each}<button on:click={() => (showModal = true)}>Show Modal</button>{#if showModal}<Modal><h1 slot="header">Hi!</h1><p>This works!</p><button slot="footer">Confirm</button></Modal>{/if}
When I expand the warning in the dev tools console it tells me I am missing this name prop on line 24 in app.svelte
where I actually have a console.log