I wanted to add a simple SVG example that is manipulatable with SVG.js
I tried this.
<main><section class="center"><h1>Hello!</h1><p>This is project page.</p></section><section id="canvas"><canvas></canvas></section></main><script> import { SVG } from '@svgdotjs/svg.js'; var draw = SVG().addTo("#canvas").size(300, 300) var rect = draw.rect(100, 100).attr({ fill: '#f06' })</script>
but it prints out this error on browser console:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'put') at Svg.addTo (@svgdotjs_svg__js.js?t=1722923695034&v=5d11dd42:1846:32) at instance (index.svelte:13:22) at init (chunk-5CD65IUO.js?v=5d11dd42:2137:23) at new Project (index.svelte:14:55) at createComponent (svelte-hooks.js?v=5d11dd42:206:20) at targetCmp.$replace (svelte-hooks.js?v=5d11dd42:269:15) at refreshComponent (proxy.js?v=5d11dd42:171:15) at ProxyAdapterDom.rerender (proxy-adapter-dom.js?v=5d11dd42:77:5) at proxy.js?v=5d11dd42:408:9 at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
It seemed that Svg.addTo() method cannot find the targetDOM.I thouth it was the problem of DOM load timing, so I tried this:
<main><section class="center"><h1>Hello!</h1><p>This is project page.</p></section><section id="canvas"><canvas></canvas></section></main><script> import { SVG } from '@svgdotjs/svg.js';document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",()=>{ var draw = SVG().addTo("#canvas").size(300, 300) var rect = draw.rect(100, 100).attr({ fill: '#f06' })});</script>
And... nothing happens. No errors, no logs. Seems like 'DOMContentLoaded' event is never fired in svelte? Can anyone help me implementing SVG.js on vite+svelte app?