running js on .NET backend
OK, I fully understand that this isn't how you are supposed to do things, but I want to experiment with it anyways.I have a somewhat large site with .cshtml files. So this is executed on the server and...
View ArticleParse CSV in Svelte with papaparse
I'm trying to parse a local csv in svelte but the logged object has nothing to do with the parsed file. The file is in the /src/db-csv/folder.+layout.server.jsimport Papa from 'papaparse'export const...
View ArticleHow do you bundle config files when building with Tauri + Svelte?
I want to make the config.json file of my Tauri app available for users so that they can modify its properties on the fly like you would with a .net app. For example, users might want to change the...
View ArticleWhy is the popup of the mapbox showing under (vertically not on the z-index)...
map.addSource('unaza-goes', {'type': 'geojson','data': {'type': 'Feature','properties': {},'geometry': {'type': 'LineString','coordinates': [ [...] ] } } }); map.on('click', 'unaza-goes', (e: any)...
View ArticleSvelte: How to handle the custom writable store's async init's promise in the...
I have several Svelte components and a custom writable store. The store has an init function which is async and which fills the store's value with some REST API's db's table's data. My components must...
View ArticleHow to drag and clone elements in Svelte?
I'm working on a visual programming app which has two columns.The column on the left is a tool box of parts from which users can drag 'items' to a column on the right which represents a script which...
View ArticleSvelte key block {#key var} stops working after focusing on another browser tab
I noticed that using the key block in svelte to toggle a re-render of a component inside the block will stop working if I visit another tab for some minutes. I know that the browser stops processes of...
View ArticleUsing third party library (picobel.js) in svelte
I'm trying to use picobel.js audio player in a svelte project. The library creates stylable html elements for the html5 audio player.It works initially but when I change the source of the audio element...
View ArticleSvelteKit build (w/ adapter-node) 404 on newly created static files
Using @sveltejs/adapter-node: 1.0.0-next.61 and @sveltejs/kit: ^1.0.0-next.225The following issue occurs only on the build version of the app, and not on the dev server, on which it doesn't occur.When...
View ArticleRemove redirect parameter from URL
I have a Sveltekit app that does a bunch of authentication to allow the user to login.Throughout the login process..some params are visible in the URL for a few seconds. These params prob are related...
View Articleon:click event not firing from within @error.svelte
I have a SvelteKit app with an @error.svelte page at the root of the /routes folder. Inside of this page, I have two buttons. One is in the header and the other one trigger's a page event when clicked...
View ArticleSveltekit deployment on vercel failed because of Error [LibsqlError]:...
Using sveltekit with turso and drizzle-orm, the only similar issue I got is: website is working fine on local if I use url:...
View ArticleHow to animate Svelte component on page load without causing a layout shift
ProblemI would like to animate a header once the landing page of my SvelteKit app is loaded, causing each letter of the heading to appear one slightly after the other, but all the solutions I've found...
View ArticleCustomize the Open WebUI landing page Running Docker
I want to customize the Open WebUI landing page. I've finished setting up the Open WebUI with the docker and wanted to make some changes to the landing page to have it more personalized. Looking...
View ArticleRedirecting in AstroJS+Svelte SSR applicaton is not working
I have an AstroJS SSR app with a Svelte integration. I'm creating a user signup form in Svelte which I submit to an Astro API endpoint to sign up a user. Since the form is POSTed, I want to redirect to...
View Articlewagmi : calling `await getAccount()` keeps returning undefined
I am working with wagmi core in svelte and am looking to make a basic wallet connect and disconnect flow.I am able to successfully connect by pressing the connect button, and having it call...
View ArticleGlobal State management in sveltekit
im using sveltekit with superforms, i want t implement a global state manager using a store, the problem is when i try to access the return from +page.server.ts i get a value of undefined add: async ({...
View ArticleAdding pdf to svelte component
I want to add a pdf to my svelte component.I'm using the same syntax as normal HTML but this dose not work.<iframe src="./stadgar.pdf" width="500" height="1000" ></iframe>What I get is an...
View ArticleSafely rendering user inputted markdown in Svelte
I'm parsing the user inputted markdown into HTML using the marked library, and rendering it using the @html tagBut the issue is if the user input is something like...
View ArticleSvelte SwipeJS Carousel Issues: Autoplayer Disabled And Element Breaking...
The issue i'm experiencing is with the swipejs carousel. On load, the carousel function's perfectly, and the autoplay works as expected. The issue occurs after navigating to another route, in this case...
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