I have a register form that takes an email and password. It is validated using zod and SuperForms. When I submit the form the data from the form is cleared before requesting the form action defined in +page.server.ts.
How do I fix this to pass the form data to +page.server.ts
When clicking submit a request can be seen in the network calls and when logged in the +page.server.ts
gives response
Request (0 KB) { method: "POST", url: "http://localhost:5173/register?/register", headers: Headers {"host": "localhost:5173","connection": "keep-alive","content-length": "152","accept": "application/json","content-type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryDpiWF58YTcB17kNP","user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36","origin": "http://localhost:5173","sec-fetch-mode": "cors","sec-fetch-dest": "empty","referer": "http://localhost:5173/register?/register","accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd","accept-language": "en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8","sec-ch-ua": "\"Not A(Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"121\", \"Chromium\";v=\"121\"","x-sveltekit-action": "true","sec-ch-ua-mobile": "?0","sec-ch-ua-platform": "\"Windows\"","sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", } ReadableStream { locked: [Getter], cancel: [Function: cancel], getReader: [Function: getReader], pipeTo: [Function: pipeTo], pipeThrough: [Function: pipeThrough], tee: [Function: tee], values: [Function: values], [Symbol(Symbol.asyncIterator)]: [Function: lazyAsyncIterator], }}{ id: "1p3ituu", valid: false, posted: true, errors: { email: [ "Please enter a valid email address" ], password: [ "Password must be at least 8 characters long" ], }, data: { email: "", password: "", },}
this shows that the email and password aren't being passed to the server.
I know that the data is entering the form properly as the values can be seen here in the superforms debug view
<script lang="ts"> import { Label } from "$lib/components/ui/label"; import { Input } from "$lib/components/ui/input"; import { Button } from "$lib/components/ui/button"; import SuperDebug from "sveltekit-superforms"; import { registerFormSchema, type RegisterFormSchema, } from "./register-form"; import { type SuperValidated, type Infer, superForm, } from "sveltekit-superforms"; import { zodClient } from "sveltekit-superforms/adapters"; export let data: { form: SuperValidated<RegisterFormSchema> }; const form = superForm(data.form, { validators: zodClient(registerFormSchema), multipleSubmits: "prevent", }); const { form: formData, errors, enhance } = form;</script><form method="POST" use:enhance><div class="form-sections flex gap-4 flex-col"><div class="form-input flex flex-col gap-2"><Label for="email">Email</Label><Input type="email" bind:value={$formData.email} /> {#if $errors.email}<span class="invalid text-red-600">{$errors.email}</span>{/if}</div><div class="form-input flex flex-col gap-2"><Label for="password">Password</Label><Input type="password" bind:value={$formData.password} /> {#if $errors.password}<span class="invalid text-red-600">{$errors.password}</span>{/if}</div><Button on:click|once type="submit" class="w-full">Create account</Button></div></form><SuperDebug data={formData} />
import type { PageServerLoad, Actions } from './$types';import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit';import { superValidate } from 'sveltekit-superforms';import { zod } from 'sveltekit-superforms/adapters';import { registerFormSchema } from './register-form';import { unauthenticatedRequest } from '@/services/api-service/apiService';export const load: PageServerLoad = async () => { return { form: await superValidate(zod(registerFormSchema)) };}export const actions: Actions = { register: async ({ request }) => { console.log("register action called") // console.log(request); const form = await superValidate(request, zod(registerFormSchema)); console.log(form); if (!form.valid) { console.log("form not valid") return fail(400, { form, }); } const { email, password } = form.data; console.log(email, password); const response = await unauthenticatedRequest('POST', 'auth/register', { email, password, }); console.log(response); switch (response.status) { case 201: return { status: 201, headers: {'set-cookie': response.headers.get('set-cookie'), }, form }; case 409: return { status: 409, body: { error: 'User already exists', }, form }; } return { form, }; },};
// page definition imports Register form and uses it in a card// ...</div></div><RegisterForm {data} /></Card.Content></Card.Root>