Svelte execute function when any of group of variables changes
In Svelte RealWord App there is something like this:$: query && getData();This calls REST API when page size or other query parameters change.I have similar situation for listing entities and...
View ArticleSvelte change bind:value in keydown event
I want to add spaces in a card ID input field automatically as the user is typing it. Here is my setup:<input placeholder="e.g. 5200 1234 5678 9012 3456" bind:value={inputAC}...
View ArticleScrolling on child doesn't scroll the parent
I am building a sticker choosing keyboard for a chat app. The parent is set to overflow-x: scroll and the individual sticker containers are set to overflow-y: scroll.Here is the HTML of the svelte...
View ArticleCannot access locals from +page.server.js
I'm following this tutorial on how to make a login/registration feature with sveltekit and pocketbase.Here's what the hooks.server.js looks like:import...
View ArticleHow to change the dataApiPort option during Azure Static Web Application...
I am trying to deploy a Svelte web application to an Azure Static Web Application (SWA) using the swa CLI tool. I have created a serverless "Cosmos DB NoSQL" database and a "Static Web App" resource on...
View ArticleSveltekit form actions with super forms clearing input before post
I have a register form that takes an email and password. It is validated using zod and SuperForms. When I submit the form the data from the form is cleared before requesting the form action defined in...
View Articlesvelte event parameter type for typescript
So new to svelte but it is so small it is perfect for a job i am working on.Went for the typescript option: or where can i find the types for custom...
View ArticleIs it possible to embed tailwind classes in a Svelte custom component...
I am building a custom component (web component) in Svelte and Tailwind.My goal is to make this component have self-contained styling, but I have trouble with including the Tailwind stylesheet inside...
View ArticleHow to add Tailwind CSS in SvelteKit official demo application?
I have created sample application by following steps given at create svelte@latest my-appSo the project structure...
View ArticleHow to deploy to Azure Static Web App with database connection in Svelte...
I have created a Svelte skeleton web application and a Cosmos NoSQL database. I installed the swa CLI tool using npm install -g @azure/static-web-apps-cli command. Furthermore, I was following the...
View ArticleHow to pass data between +page.svelte and the respective +page.server in...
Here is the scenario:I have a +page.svelte file which is render the data for me. I have a +page.server file for that. In the +page.server I'm fetching some data from an endpoint. The fetch request in...
View ArticleEvents emitted from slotted components
I try to wrap an application into a 'Repository' component and that outer component should handle all communication with the backend, like loading, updating, deleting editable data. I thought I could...
View ArticleSveltekit - Form action - fail doesn't work
I try to implement a form action, but I have some trouble with error handling/validation (nameMissing and emailMissing values would be used for validation)import { fail } from '@sveltejs/kit'export...
View ArticleAdd meta tags to dynamic page in sveltekit
I have a blog built with Sveltekit an Sanity, the meta tags for the main page works, but when I try to use meta tags in my dynamic pages, they dont show up.I have tried svelte:head and even the...
View ArticleHow to differentiate between Svelte dev mode and build mode?
The dev mode using npm run dev, the release mode using npm buildHow could i know that it's currently built on dev mode or not in the code, for example:<script> import {onMount} from 'svelte';...
View ArticleStyling a {@html...} tag of a Svelte component by ising the in-component tag...
I am trying to add some styling to an HTML tag rendered inside of the {@html...} tag of a Svelte component, but it appears that it only inherits the parent's styling (the container of the {@html...}...
View ArticleAutoPlay Slides not working for Swiper JS
I am currently working with svelte to create a smooth auto slider using SwiperJs. It seems that I am unable to create that animation.When loading the page, the autoPlay dosen't seem to work.Below is...
View ArticleBind a div to a changing variable
There is a loop, which contains a button, on click that button a function runs,{#each newArray as item (}<button class="px-2 py-1" on:click={() => settingFun(}>(Id:...
View ArticleProps value passing style differences in Svelte components
I saw many styles of passing a prop value in a svelte components like,<MyComponent color={"#b291ff7a"} /><MyComponent color="#b291ff7a" /><MyComponent color={value} /><MyComponent...
View ArticleUsing Chart.js with SvelteKit
I'm trying to use Chart.js with SvelteKit. In development mode everything works fine, but when I try to build the project I get the following error.Directory import...
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