I try to wrap an application into a 'Repository' component and that outer component should handle all communication with the backend, like loading, updating, deleting editable data. I thought I could just send events up to that Repository
component but I doesn't work the way I do it. Does anyone spot the issue or can explain, why this doesn't work and how to do it correctly with events? I could use writables instead but events would make it more readable. Here's a simplified example and a svelte REPL link:
<script> import Repository from './Repository.svelte' import Application from './Application.svelte'</script><Repository><Application on:save={() => console.log('caught in App')} /></Repository>
<div on:save={() => console.log('caught in Repository')}><slot></slot></div>
<script> import {createEventDispatcher} from 'svelte' const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); function saveHandler() { console.log('dispatching') dispatch('save') }</script><button on:click={saveHandler}> Save</button>
The desired output would be
dispatchingcaught in Repository
but it only prints
dispatchingcaught in App
when the button is clicked.