Here is the scenario:
I have a +page.svelte file which is render the data for me. I have a +page.server file for that. In the +page.server I'm fetching some data from an endpoint. The fetch request in the server side depends on a number which should come from the client side. I mean the user enter a number into the input fielt, the clinet side should pass it to the +page.server file and then the serverside should perform the request and send the result to the client.
Here is the code for +page.server:
export const load = async ({ url}) => { const pageNumber = url.searchParams.get('q'); const fetchData = async (pageNumber) => { const productData = await fetch(`${pageNumber}`); const products = await productData.json(); return products; }; const data = await fetchData(pageNumber); return { dataFromAPI: data };};
And here is the code for my +page.svelte:
<script> import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; export let data; let q = ''; const handleInput = (event) => { q =; updateUrl(); }; const updateUrl = () => { const url = new URL(window.location.href); url.searchParams.set('q', q); goto(url); };</script><input type="text" name="search" placeholder="Search something..." on:input={handleInput} bind:value={q}/>
Now, my question is:Is my approach valid and standard? Are there any specific capabilities that SvelteKit might offer for this? I assume there should be a more elegant approach than using URLs.I don't want to make any request in the client side, everything should be handled in the serverside.