I am building a custom component (web component) in Svelte and Tailwind.
My goal is to make this component have self-contained styling, but I have trouble with including the Tailwind stylesheet inside my custom component as it is isolated inside a Shadow DOM.
<svelte:options customElement={{ tag: "my-component", }}/><script> import Child from "./Child.svelte";</script><span class="text-blue-500 p-4"> Foo<Child /></span>
<span class="p-4 text-red-500">Bar</span>
When using <my-component></my-component>
, it is unstyled, as the component is inside the ShadowDOM, it does not have access to the global Tailwind stylesheet.
Is there a way to embed the full Tailwind stylesheet for my component inside the Shadow DOM?
I have had some success with using the svelte preprocessor
export default { preprocess: [preprocess(), vitePreprocess()],};
and including a link to my tailwind stylesheet in my component
<style lang="postcss" src="./../app.css"></style>
but this is quite cumbersome, as I need to add this line for EVERY child component of MyComponent.svelte