I have SvelteStore
with object ChatStyle
. The issue occurs with Toggle
component. The block $:
called three times:
- isAlternateBackgroundColor = undefined (as expected before init)
- isAlternateBackgroundColor = true (from
) - isAlternateBackgroundColor = false (I dont understand why)
According logs the value saved with true value and restore after reload page. But the third called re-saved the value to false. The calls occurs in a row, I dont click anything. The other values of ChatStyle
save and restore as expected.
I tried to add/remove bind:
prefix in different combination. But in this case update value isn't trigger update the store.
<script type="ts"> import { Toggle, Label } from '../components/index' import { Writable, writable } from 'svelte/store' import { getSvelteStore, getValue, SvelteStore } from '../../modules/storage' import { ChatStyle } from '../../modules/storage' export let chatStyleStore: SvelteStore<ChatStyle> = writable(undefined) let chatStyle: ChatStyle = { marginBottom: undefined, paddingY: undefined, borderWidth: undefined, isAlternateBackgroundColor: undefined, backgroundColorHex: '', } function initValues(initChatStyle: ChatStyle) { chatStyle = initChatStyle } $: { if (typeof chatStyle.isAlternateBackgroundColor != 'boolean') { console.log('not init') } else { console.log(chatStyle) chatStyleStore.set({ marginBottom: chatStyle.marginBottom, paddingY: chatStyle.paddingY, borderWidth: chatStyle.borderWidth, isAlternateBackgroundColor: chatStyle.isAlternateBackgroundColor, backgroundColorHex: chatStyle.backgroundColorHex }) } }</script>{#await getValue('chatStyle') then initChatStyle } {#if initValues(initChatStyle) } {/if}<Toggle id='isAlternateBackgroundColor' bind:checkedBoolean={chatStyle.isAlternateBackgroundColor} title="" />{/await}
// Toogle element<script lang="ts"> import { Helper, Toggle } from 'flowbite-svelte' import { writable, Writable } from 'svelte/store' import { CustomStore } from '../../modules/storage' import Label from '../components/Label.svelte' export let id = 'checkbox' export let checkedStore: Writable<boolean> | CustomStore<boolean> export let checkedBoolean: any export let title = 'Title' export let description = 'Description'</script><div class="relative flex items-center"> {#if checkedStore && checkedStore.subscribe } <Toggle size="small" {id} bind:checked={$checkedStore} class="dark:peer-focus:ring-transparent" /> {:else}<Toggle size="small" {id} bind:checked={checkedBoolean} class="dark:peer-focus:ring-transparent" /> {/if}<Label for={id} class="w-full" color="title"><span>{title}</span><span><Helper>{@html description}</Helper></span></Label></div>
function createSvelteStore<K extends keyof BrowserStorage, V extends BrowserStorage[K]>(key: K, value: V): SvelteStore<V> { const { subscribe, set: setSvelteStore } = writable<V>(value) const setBrowserStorageWithDebounce = debounce((newValue: V) => { if (instance[key]!.value !== newValue || ((Array.isArray(newValue) || typeof newValue == 'object') && JSON.stringify(instance[key]!.value ) != JSON.stringify(newValue))) { console.log('old', instance[key]!.value, 'new', newValue) setValue(key, newValue) } }) return { subscribe, setExceptBrowser: setSvelteStore, set: (value: V) => { setSvelteStore(value) setBrowserStorageWithDebounce(value) } }}