Custom Svelte RadioButton component appearence
I'm creating a radio button component but I have some issue with bind:group.when I'm selecting a button, both graphic updates to the checked state.I think it has to do with the checked variable, If I...
View ArticleFallback to the "default browser behavior" on an URL instead of interpreting...
I have a route on the path /src/routes/[first]/[[second]]/+page.ts.So far so good.But! Now I also have static assets such as /static/attachments/image1.jpg. These assets are unreachable because the...
View ArticleCould a React compiler compile down to native JS?
I've read a bit about Svelte - if I understand correctly, source code compiles down to native js. This is unlike React where the state management logic is the same for dev / production (i.e. there is a...
View ArticleHow to change +layout.svelte component on page navigation in svelte?
I am new to svelte so I cannot figure this out how to solve this after many tries. Imagine I have a component Navbar.svelte in the $lib/component. As usual I will add this component to my...
View ArticleSvelte seems to react to assigned variable change
Let’s suppose I have this as main page:<script> import Child from "./Child.svelte"; let person = { name: "" };</script><Child {person} />And this as a child:<script> export let...
View Articlesvelte + tailwind drag drop example css collision
I'm trying to follow the example at<script> // let...
View ArticleSveltekit reuse form as a modal within another form
I've got the following route:- routes - artists - [slug] - new - +page.server.js - +page.sveltewhere new/+page.svelte is the following:<script> import ArtistForm from...
View ArticleWhy boolean resets in Svelte Store?
I have SvelteStore with object ChatStyle. The issue occurs with Toggle component. The block $: called three times:isAlternateBackgroundColor = undefined (as expected before...
View Articleastro.js - using wasm straight in the svelte island
I am using astro framework with svelte as interactive island.and I want to use wasm inside my svelte island directly to process some [markdown][1]. but it is not so straight forward that I can just...
View Articlehandle Esc key on forma in a A11y friendly way
I have a form in a Svelte app like this:<!-- markup for editing todo: label, input text, Cancel and Save Button --><form on:submit|preventDefault={onSave} class="stack-small" on:keydown={e...
View ArticleUse svelte css class in @html
I have an api that returns html with classes, I want to know how I can use svelte style definition for those.App.Svelte<script> let string = `<span...
View ArticleBinding number to input in Svelte and TypeScript
I have a form in svelte, using shadcn-svelte, and zod.Relevant code snippets:// schema.ts const formSchema = z.object({ /* ... */ maxParticipants: z.number()});<!-- form.svelte --><Form.Field...
View Articlehandle Esc key on form in a A11y friendly way
I have a form in a Svelte app like this:<!-- markup for editing todo: label, input text, Cancel and Save Button --><form on:submit|preventDefault={onSave} class="stack-small" on:keydown={e...
View ArticleSvelte Simple form with file upload not working
I'm using svelte and svelte-forms-lib. I've got a form component that looks like:<script> import { createForm } from "svelte-forms-lib"; export let mode; export let submitFn; export let formData...
View ArticleUnable to create a new page in svelte project
Here's the project code. am trying to add a new page for firebase oauth and stripe payments but getting 404 error even after creating new file...
View ArticleCould not open +page.svelte in the editor
Randomly started getting this error on my Svelte projects recently when using the code inspector to open up files. Have no idea how to resolve. It only affects files with special characters in the...
View ArticleI can't import Svelte components from any other location except the parent...
So, when i try to import some .js or .txt using the $lib or src/lib it works just fine, but when trying to import components that are in the .svelte alias it returns this error on the server and a...
View ArticleSvelteKit is wrapping my response and I can't figure out why [duplicate]
I have a SvelteKit action that looks like this:export const actions = { upload: async ({request}) => { // some logic return { success: true }; }}However, when I call this endpoint the response...
View ArticleUnable to use firebase in svelte
I am trying to add some code to previous github repo but while using firebase after creating a page in src/routes folder I am unable to use it. Do I have to use firebase compat? As that also didn't...
View Articlesvelte - revealjs with markdown not showing
I have a svelte component that embed a revealjs:<script> import { onMount } from 'svelte' import Reveal from 'reveal.js'; import Markdown from 'reveal.js/plugin/markdown/markdown.esm.js'; let...
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