I have a svelte
component that embed a revealjs
<script> import { onMount } from 'svelte' import Reveal from 'reveal.js'; import Markdown from 'reveal.js/plugin/markdown/markdown.esm.js'; let deck = null onMount(()=>{ deck = new Reveal({ plugins: [Markdown], }); deck.initialize({ embedded: true }); })</script><div class="reveal"><div class="slides"><section>Horizontal Slide</section><section data-markdown data-background-color="rgb(70, 70, 255)" data-separator="---"><textarea data-template> ## Slide 1 A paragraph with some text and a [link](https://hakim.se). --- ## Slide 2 --- ## Slide 3</textarea></section></div></div>
everything is working, except for the markdown
the first slide is working like normal.
the second slide is there with background color, but nothing else.
the console did not show any error message at all. So I am not sure how to debug.
I did try to add the plugins
into the initialize()
deck.initialize({ embedded: true, plugins: [Markdown]});
but still the empty.
How can I resolve this?