I need to implement the following functionality:
- There are two categories - "action" and "agent", each with two values, which are implemented with "radio button" objects
- In the beginning of the process, the radio buttons are unchecked
- There is a "save" button that should be disabled until the user chooses both the "agent" and the "action".
- When he chooses both the "agent" and the "action" - the save button should get enabled.
My problem is that the "save" button is being enabled if I check the radio button twice, e.g., if I chose the "action", then I need to press the "agent" twice for the "save" button to be enabled.
What am I missing?
Code example
I have the following code:
Script section:
<script lang="ts"> $: agent = ['hand', 'tool'] $: action = ['take', 'release'] function onClickRB(){ console.log('Tring to enable the button') console.log('agent: '+ agent) console.log('action: '+ action) if ((typeof agent) == "string" && (typeof action) == "string"){ (document.getElementById("saveButton") as HTMLInputElement | null)!.disabled = false; } } function onSave(){ }</script>
Main section:
<main><!-- svelte-ignore a11y-label-has-associated-control --><div class="label-select"><label class='agent'>Agent<div><input id='hand' type='radio' name='Hand' value='Hand' bind:group={agent} on:click={() => onClickRB()} /><label>Hand</label><input id='tool' type='radio' name='Tool' value='Tool' bind:group={agent} on:click={() => onClickRB()} /><label>Tool</label></div></label><label class='action'>Action<div><input id='contact' type='radio' name='Contact' value='Contact' bind:group={action} on:click={() => onClickRB()} /><label>Contact</label><input id='release' type='radio' name='Release' value='Release' bind:group={action} on:click={() => onClickRB()} /><label>Release</label></div></label></div><button id="saveButton" disabled on:click|preventDefault={()=>onSave()}>Save</button></main>
Style section:
<style> main { text-align: center; padding: 0em; max-width: 240px; margin: 0 auto; } @media (min-width: 640px) { main { max-width: none; } } .label-select{ display: flex; justify-content: center; } .agent{ font-size: larger; border: 2px solid gray; } .action{ font-size: larger; border: 2px solid gray; } </style>
Thanks in advance